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Interpersonal Skills Course

Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal Skills Course

Trainer: Susanne Lakin

Date: July 6th & 7th 2024

Venue: Woodland View, Dixon Rd, North Walsham NR28 9EA

Cost: £420 4Days

Course Details

Interpersonal Skills (recognised by the KF, 2 credits).

2 x two day modules (i.e. 4 days)

Cost: £220 per module (i.e. total £440) (includes assessment, certification)


4 Day Course

Cost: £420

Venue: Woodland View, Dixon Rd, North Walsham NR28 9EA

Facilitator: Susanne Lakin (OHB, McTimoney therapist, PhD in Psychology, Certificate in Counselling)

Aims of the course:

to highlight, develop and practise specific skills for communicating with others;

to enhance self awareness.


During the course participants will:

use their own experiences to gain insight into their way of construing or seeing the world; uncover ‘stuck patterns’ in the way they relate to themselves and others including clients; experience simple energetic techniques to release the stress holding these patterns.

The course is recognised by the Kinesiology Federation (2 credits).

Summary of content.

1. Skill development: the therapeutic exchange, respect, empathy, genuineness, active listening skills, non-verbal cues, questioning styles, signposting, challenging, summarising, reflecting back, do’s and don’ts, defence mechanisms. Integration of the skills into therapy sessions.

2. Enhancing self awareness: approaches from Personal Construct Theory to uncover and release the stress associated with stuck patterns including the use of ‘tapping techniques’, visualisation. An introduction to Driver States (from Transactional Analysis) and strategies for exploring relationships e.g. pebble exercise, Perceiver-Element Grid, dealing with specific emotions e.g. anger, grief.

Course assessment Personal log 30%; written assessment (2000 words on an aspect of interpersonal skills) 30%; Practical Skill assessment (peer assessment) 40%

For more detail ring Susanne on 01692 407555 (

Participants usually bring their lunch or a contribution to a shared lunch, other refreshments are provided.

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