Maybe you are looking for an alternative way to help yourself or a loved one ? Or just curious about kinesiology?
Kinesiology uses muscle response to detect imbalances in the energy field. OHB uses vibrational icons to find and balance these, bringing the body into the best it can be given your circumstances.
A full history is taken at your first consultation and then you can sit or lay on a couch where your therapist will move arms and legs with icons on the body to read what is going on for you.
You may have physical aches or emotional issues, internal problems or auric imbalances. Whatever you have, a balance will help. Your therapist will be able ask your body if it requires further help after the session, recommend any life style changes, perhaps exercises to do or vitamins to strengthen the system. Some practitioners work online as well as in person. You can choose who you would like to work with by looking at the practitioner page and reading what they have to offer. Contact them directly and arrange a chat or appointment.