The Magic of


With the use of muscle monitoring and vibrational icons, the body can be brought into a state of balance and allow the body to heal itself.

Optimum Health Balance Kinesiology can be experienced in person or remotely as the icons vibrations have no time or distance limitations.

Whether you are looking for a therapist or would like to train to become an Optimum Health Balance Kinesiologist you will find all the information here.

Charles Benham

The originator of OHB was Charles Benham. He first became involved with kinesiology in 1979 at the age of 58 and was a member of the first group of Touch For Health instructors in the UK.

Charles studied, practised and trained in a range of kinesiology disciplines and was a leading pioneer of kinesiology in the UK.

His major innovation was the introduction of the Optimum Health Balance system with its easy-to-use vibrational icons.

There’s always something you can do.
— Charles Benham

World Balance

Receive a balance wherever you are in the world!

This unique system of balancing with vibrational icons works at a distance, online or remote, as well as in person. You can be anywhere in the world and receive a therapy from one of our qualified practitioners.

Choose your therapist from our Find a Practitioner page and contact directly to book yourself a profound therapy session.

Upcoming Training & Events

If you are interested in learning how to self–balance, help friends and family, or become a practitioner to help others and start a new career see our Training Page for course dates.

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